En un lejano mundo, una joven chica llamada Nibit, acompañó a su padre, un poderoso chamán, a sanar a un joven guerrero. El guerrero se llamaba Enry. Nadie sabía que le ocurría, su última esperanza era que el padre de Nibit, encontrase su cura.
Nibit entró a casa de Enry para ayudar a su padre. Al instante los ojos de Nibit y Enry se unieron y vieron algo maravilloso y único. Era algo de tanta belleza que no podía describirse con palabras.
El padre de Nibit terminó su ritual y pidió a su hija que saliese. Entonces le dijo a Enry como podría sanar. Enry quedó sorprendido, pero tenía que luchar por su vida y aceptó el reto.
El padre de Nibit salió de casa de Enry y le dijo a su hija que nada podía hacer por el joven. Ella sintió una puñalada en el corazón, porque desde el momento que se miraron, quedó enamorada de él.
Pasaron varios meses y Nibit no podía olvidar la imagen que proyectaron los ojos de Enry. Cada lágrima que salía de sus ojos, se convertía en preciosos diamantes. Ella cada día, arrojaba los diamantes a un pozo cercano a su casa.
Una noche, llevando los diamantes al pozo, escuchó un ruido cercano y se asustó. Vio surgir una sombra arrastrándose y quiso gritar, pero de pronto, los diamantes que había tirado al pozo, salieron disparados y formaron un círculo de luz alrededor de la sombra. Ella se fijó entonces y vio a Enry agonizante en el suelo. Enry levantó la cabeza y al fijar sus ojos en ella los diamantes formaron un universo precioso, con estrellas brillantes y tres lunas. Al instante Enry fue sanado y abrazó a su amada Nibit.
Entonces le contó lo que le había dicho su padre la noche que fue a verlo. Le dijo que había entregado su corazón a la guerra y que su corazón estaba lleno de odio y sangre. Solo se salvaría si luchaba para encontrar a su verdadero amor y llenaba su corazón de él. Enry preguntó cómo encontrarlo y el padre de Nibit le dijo que cuando mirara a una joven y viese las tres lunas de Tritón, habría encontrado su verdadero amor y sanaría. Al instante comprendió que su amada era Nibit y siguiendo su visión y la posición de las lunas, viajó durante meses, moribundo, para encontrarla.
Las lunas de Tritón, lo guiaron hasta Nibit, su verdadero amor. Y para recordar su historia, Enry mandó crear con los diamantes, unas bellas piezas para su amada, donde quedó reflejada la visión de un precioso universo con tres lunas que le devolvieron la vida y le entregaron la felicidad eterna junto a su amada.
In a distant world, a young girl named Nibit, accompanied his father, a powerful chaman to heal a young warrior. The warrior was called Enry. Nobody knew what was happening, his last hope was that the father of Nibit, find its cure.
Nibit entered Enry´s home to help his father. Instantly Nibit eyes and Enry joined and saw something wonderful and unique. It was something of such beauty that could not be described with words.
Nibit's father finished his ritual and asked his daughter to come out. Then he told Enry as could heal. Enry was surprised, but I had to fight for his life and accepted the challenge.
The Nibit´s father come out, and told her daughter that nothing could be done for the young. She felt a stab in the heart, because from the moment you looked, was in love with him.
Several months passed, and Nibit could not forget the image projected Enry's eyes. Every tear that fell from his eyes, became precious diamonds. It every day, throwing diamonds into a well near his home.
One night, bringing diamonds to the well, heard a noise nearby and got scared. He saw a shadow come crawling and wanted to scream, but suddenly, the diamonds she had thrown into the well, were ejected and formed a circle of light around the shadow. She stared and saw Enry then dying on the floor. Enry raised his head and fixed his eyes on her the diamonds formed a beautiful universe, with three moons and shining stars. Enry was healed instantly and hugged his beloved Nibit.
Then she told him what his father had told him the night he went to see him. He said he had given his heart to the war and that his heart was full of hatred and blood. Only be saved if struggling to find his true love and filled his heart with him. Enry asked how to find and Nibit´s father told him that when a lady look and saw three moons of Triton, have found their true love and heal. At once he realized that his beloved was Nibit and following your vision and position of the moons, traveled for months, dying to find it.
The moons of Triton, guided him to Nibit, his true love. And to remember their history, Enry commanded create with diamonds, some beautiful pieces for her beloved, which was reflected the vision of a beautiful world with three moons returned his life and handed him eternal happiness with his beloved.