El pasado nunca vuelve, recuerdos imborrables, nostalgia, imágenes.
A veces no nos damos cuenta, pero las horas pasadas se han convertido en años,
y en ocasiones especiales, para que no se escapen, hay que saber guardar esos recuerdos.
Aquí quedan guardados los mios, años de música, de luces, de pasion.
Años en los que podía expresar mis sentimientos por medio de la música.
¿Cuantas canciones fuero, cientos, miles quizás?
Ahora eso ya no importa, todo queda cerrado en este precioso collar,
con un precioso y antiguo contrabajo, en recuerdo de tanto Soul,
tantas noches sin dormir y tantos viajes.
Toda mi alma queda aquí ....
The past never returns, lasting memories, nostalgia, pictures.
Sometimes we do not realize, but the hours have turned into years,
and special occasions, to prevent escape, one must know to keep those memories.
Here are saved mine, years of music, lights, passion.
Years in which I could express my feelings through music.
How many songs out, hundreds, thousands maybe?
Now that does not matter, everything is closed at this beautiful necklace
with an old beautiful bass, in memory of both Soul
many sleepless nights and many trips.
My whole soul is here ....
Sometimes we do not realize, but the hours have turned into years,
and special occasions, to prevent escape, one must know to keep those memories.
Here are saved mine, years of music, lights, passion.
Years in which I could express my feelings through music.
How many songs out, hundreds, thousands maybe?
Now that does not matter, everything is closed at this beautiful necklace
with an old beautiful bass, in memory of both Soul
many sleepless nights and many trips.
My whole soul is here ....